BioFora Worldwide is a not-for-profit professional association which prominently promotes research and development. We at BioFora have brought a revolution in the field of Worldwide Conferences.
BioFora is a global leader in producing high quality conferences, meetings, workshops and symposia in all major fields of science, technology and medicine. Biofora has been associated with national and international associations, corporations and high level individuals, dedicated to host world class conferences and events. Read more
Biofora Worldwide is a non-for-profit professional association which prominently promotes research and development. We at Biofora have brought a revolution in the field of Worldwide Conferences.
Biofora Worldwide conferences bring together the professional wizards and leaders who have explored all avenues to reinforce the field of Life Sciences and Medicine Technology.
Biofora worldwide conducts events worldwide which help in enhancing the skillset of the people from diverse industries and also forms a common platform for eminent personalities, physicians, researchers, doctors, and academicians, professional’s business figures and much more. Biofora conference encourages better comprehensions about improvements and progressions over the world through worldwide conferences with the speed of science and technology.
Medical Conferences are useful as they increase interaction between medical professionals, inform each other on how to apply these advancing technologies, and increase opportunities to improve in presentation and communication skills. It can become a huge stepping stone in your career.
Today, most doctors, physicians, professors, and medical practitioners attend conferences as a way to network and share their expertise. For research students and professors, a conference can become a huge knowledge bank.
By hearing from experts and medical professionals in your field you will uncover what is working for them, the process they implemented, the effectiveness of the treatment, and much more.
The organization welcomes applications and professional cv's to be a part and members in its committees,board and professional societies . BioFora membership offers access to technical innovations, cutting edge information networking opportunities and exclusive membership benefits.
PhD in Nanotechnology- University of Tehran
Research Assistant, Department Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany
Lebanese University – University Institute of Technology –Saida ; Doctoral School of Science and Technology – Beirut
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