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Biofora Registration

*ONE Registration Fee includes the following for the Registered author:

  • Welcome reception
  • Conference Delegate attendance ID card/ Pass
  • Conference Folder or Bag
  • Participation in the technical program
  • Printed Participation/Presentation Certificate
  • Printed Proceeding with ISBN
  • Coffee breaks on the presentation day
  • Lunch on the presentation day


Once your paper is accepted the registration process begins. You have to complete the following four steps... 
Step1 – Select Category of Registration Fee

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Categories Registration Fee
PhD/Post Doc.
Student (M-Tech/ME/Masters)
Students (B-tech/BE/Bachelors)
(Without paper presentation and publication)
Additional Services
Day-2 Participation
Extra Proceeding Charges per Proceeding
Lunch for accompanying person
(other than Co-authors without Conference KIT)
Co-author(Conf Lunch and Conference KIT Included)

Payment must be made in USD. The conference organizer will not accept any bank charges associated with the transfer of money.

The Registration fee is for one day conference participation. To participate day-2 additional USD 100 to be paid

Step 2 - Copyright Transfer
Send the scan copy of signed (for the individual paper) Copyright Transfer Agreement Form, which is in PDF format.

Step 3 - Camera Ready Paper submission 
All the paper must adhere to IEEE double column guidelines and must be submitted as Microsoft word DOC or DOCX format. IEEE guidelines are available at Paper Submission Webpage.

Step 4 - Registration 
If you have any other amount to pay which is not available in the list then you can click on the payment tab in the conference page . or You can click here

It is mandatory for at least one author of an accepted paper to register in order for the paper to appear in the proceedings and included in the Technical Program. You can avail the discount for group registration. 

Note: Register amount is not refundable after Registration Deadline.

For offline Bank Transaction, you can check the acceptance letter or email to papers.biofora@gmail.com to get the Bank details.